Christmas Trees

The 2024 Christmas Tree Season is upon us! See below for current info and don’t forget to sign up to get an email notification when the pre-cut trees are here and ready for sale! Please make sure the email address is correct.

See our current hours in the footer of our website. We will have special Christmas Tree Hours starting Black Friday. Sign up below if to be notified when the trees will be ready to sell if you want your tree BEFORE Black Friday.



Come browse our large selection of fresh cut Christmas Trees!

  • Canaan Fir
  • Douglas Fir
  • Fraser Fir
  • White Pine
  • White Fir and a few Douglas Fir
    • Natural Cut (from CO and NM)

We have worked hand in hand with the same grower for over 20 years to ensure we have the nicest, freshest, farm grown trees available.

Christmas Tree Finder

We have all the accessories you will need!

  • Centerpieces Handmade by our staff!
  • Garland
  • Ornaments Handmade by our staff!
  • Scented Pinecones Handmade by our staff!
  • Stovetop Smellies Handmade by our staff!
  • Tree Preservative
  • Tree Stands
  • Watering Funnels
  • Wreaths (All wreaths can be sold both naked or decorated)
    • White Fir Handmade by our staff! Boughs collected by our staff from the Wet Mountains.
    • Fraser Fir, Mixed Greens, and White Fir
  • and much more!

This year on Black Friday weekend we will have amazing coffee and hot chocolate available for purchase from our friends at Caffeinated Creations! Menu available here.

Come kick off the Christmas Season with a beautiful tree from our Nursery!


After Christmas

Help keep your tree out of a landfill by donating to one of these great causes!

  • Canes for Veterans
  • Tree Cycle
    • Support your community by turning your tree into useful mulch
    • Suggested donation of $5
    • Seven convenient locations to drop off your tree
    • 100% of donations support community youth programs
    • For more information or to donate to the cause, please visit

More information on both of these great causes available at checkout!

What Our Customers Say

“It was awesome to get our tree from you guys!!! It was nice to go to a tree farm 1st off. You had fair prices and different types of trees that most places do not. I have never had a White Pine tree before and that’s what I picked this year and em VERY VERY happy with it! Also Thank You for supporting the military with a discount on our tree. Its always nice to feel appreciated! Last but not least Thank You for being so friendly and nice from the staff to the complementary cyder and hot chocolate. Our experience there reminded me so much of doing this with my family as a child! Now I can do it with my kiddo! Thank you again for everything and hope to see you again next year!”
Brandy Bridges

Active or Retired Duty Military Receives $5 Off any tree!

Tree  Cycle Info. Click Here

Helpful Info:

Christmas Tree Care

Looking for a live Christmas tree farm? Visit us over at Heidrich’s Colorado Tree Farm Nursery. There is nothing like having a real, fresh cut Christmas Tree to celebrate a very special time of year. We go to many lengths to make sure our live Christmas trees are fresh and cared for before you take it home. Here are some tips to that will ensure your tree will last through the Christmas season.

  • Make sure you make a fresh cut on the bottom of the trunk before you place the tree in the stand. This will open up the part of the tree that will absorb water. Each tree will “drink” a different amount of water. If it doesn’t drink much, that does not mean the tree is drying out faster. We can make a fresh cut for you at the nursery before we load the tree, or you can do it later before you put the tree up. Either way it is very important to make a fresh cut.
  • Fill the tree stand with hot tap water every time you add water. Check the water daily as you don’t want the bottom of the trunk to dry up and seal. If it does the tree will not drink water like it should. Usually trees will drink more water early on. Do not add sugar, syrup, Asprin, Sprite, or any other additive that may clog the bottom of the tree. Do add tree preservatives that are specially designed to preserve your tree. These preservatives soften the wood and help to thin the sap so that the tree will drink more water. We do carry a tree preservative.
  • Try to avoid placing the tree close to a heat source like a south facing window, a heater vent, fireplace or stove. All of these will dry your tree quicker.
  • Mist the tree with a quirt bottle. This will help to keep moisture levels higher in and around your tree.
  • Tree type also has something to do with how quickly trees dry out. Check with our team and we can guide you as to which trees stay fresher longer. Native Colorado Trees will last longer than farm grown trees. Farm grown Fraser Fir will last longer than Farm grown Douglas Fir.
  • And finally enjoy your real Christmas Tree!
Christmas Tree Myths
Below are some interesting Myths regarding Christmas Trees we deal with every year.  This list was found on the National Christmas Tree Association website.  We hear them every year.  Enjoy, and spread the word. Myths, urban legends, misperceptions and sometimes outright lies. We know there are some crazy things that people have been told about Real Christmas Trees over the years. And this has led to a large number of confused consumers. While many of these myths can be traced back to the fake tree industry, many are like urban legends … they just sort of exist and nobody really knows how they started. Now, NCTA is launching the “Great De-Myth-ification Campaign” with its 10 Biggest Myths About Christmas Trees, designed to provide straight-forward answers and facts in a simple, compiled list. The top 10 list is culled from emails received by consumers, plus questions by news media and messages on blogs and such. Each year, NCTA receives more than 2,000 inquiries from the public, so we have a pretty good feel for what people think about Christmas Trees. Here are the 10 biggest myths, in no specific order: MYTH #1: Real Christmas Trees are cut down from forests. BUSTED: Seriously, do people still believe this? To be completely accurate, in a few locations around North America, the Forest Service sells permits for people to harvest wild trees. They do this in places to create fire breaks. But it’s a very tiny percentage of all trees used. Most trees come from a farm where someone plants them. And each year, growers plant one to three seedlings for each tree harvested. MYTH #2: You save a tree by using a fake tree. BUSTED: This is obviously tied to Myth #1, and also directly attributable to the fake tree industry. We’ve got copies of ads for fake trees that say exactly that: “Save a tree.” Of course, this is false, because trees are a crop. They are planted by farmers to be used specifically as Christmas Trees. Close to half a billion trees are currently growing on tree farms in the U.S. alone. The really ironic part of the ad for the fake tree is one of the selling points is that it comes in a sturdy cardboard box. Ummm, how exactly is that saving a tree? MYTH #3: Real Christmas Trees aggravate allergies. BUSTED: Often, we get emails and inquiries from news media asking if there is a type of Christmas Tree that won’t bother a person’s allergies. We’ve collected sources of information both about trees and allergies and share these with people. Sources include the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). So it’s not just “the Christmas Tree people” saying that the farm-grown tree itself is not the culprit. A quick summary of the sources we have found are that while it’s possible that a person may be allergic to tree pollen or even tree sap, it’s not as widespread as many believe. We have read that in rare cases, people can have an allergy to certain species of tree sap. As for pollens, which certainly can be an allergen to people, a Real Tree itself is unlikely to produce pollen during December, and even if it did, pollens from pines are not a known allergen. According to the NIEHS of the 50,000 different kinds of trees, less than 100 have been shown to cause allergies. Most allergies are specific to one type of tree. But being outdoors for years in the field, a Christmas Tree can collect pollens, dust, mold or other allergens. Of course, so can the artificial tree stored in the attic or basement. Whether you use a fresh Christmas Tree from a farm, or an artificial tree stored in a box, if you have sensitive allergies to dust, molds, etc., AAAAI recommends you spray the tree down in the yard with a hose before putting up. Let it dry completely before bringing indoors. Resources we have found pertaining to holiday allergy prevention include: MYTH #4: It’s better to use a fake tree because you can re-use it each year. BUSTED: That’s a very short-sighted perspective. According to research, most fake trees are only used 6 to 9 years before they’re disposed. Even if you would use one for 20 years or more, it will eventually be thrown away and end up in a landfill. And unlike Real Trees, which are biodegradable and recyclable, fake trees are always a burden to the environment. MYTH #5: Christmas Trees are a fire safety hazard and frequently catch on fire. BUSTED: You’d certainly think so by watching the local “Action News” team on TV. Each year, many of them show a dramatic image of a tree bursting into flames, intending to scare people into watching the news. And the anchor/reporter will say, “If you get a Christmas Tree, this could happen to you …” The reality is, a tree being accidentally ignited is EXTREMELY rare. As in 0.0004%. And those images of trees burning? They’re often aided by gasoline or lighter fluid. Don’t believe it? Just watch this… MYTH #6: Real Trees cost too much. BUSTED: Like anything else, you can find a wide range of prices, and spend what you want to spend. It all depends on what you’re looking for in a tree. Prices vary by many variables including: location of retail lot, where the tree was harvested, species, size, grade, who’s selling it and even sometimes day of the week. The bottom line is, you can spend $15 to over $200 on a tree in many places. My favorite part is when fake tree people try to use this as a selling point. “You can get your investment in a fake tree back in as little as 3 years…blah, blah.” That’s called “funny math” where I’m from. If I spend $20 on a Christmas tree from a farm each year and you spend $300 on a fake tree, you’d have to use it for 15 years (way past the average) before I will have spent the same amount as you. MYTH #7: Fake trees are fireproof. BUSTED: Um, no, they’re not. They catch on fire every year. According to a report from the National Fire Protection Association, 28% of home fires involving a Christmas Tree were a fake one. MYTH #8: Real Christmas Trees have pesticides and chemicals on them. BUSTED: Myths such as this often get a foothold due to the disconnect that most people have with agricultural practices. Christmas Tree farmers do not use chemicals in a “harmful” manner. Chemicals are used only when needed and only according to the specified instructions and regulations of the EPA, the USDA and the FDA. Christmas Tree farmers live on their land and raise their families there. They would not engage in an activity that would put their families, employees or the people they sell their product to in harms way. To suggest otherwise is at best uninformed, and at worst, offensive. There has never been a scientific research article suggesting that harmful levels of chemical residue exists on Christmas Trees, and in fact there have been studies looking for it. On the flip side, there have been studies showing a potential health danger of lead dust coming from plastic trees. The state of California requires a warning label on fake trees and wreaths. Watch this clip MYTH #9: Real Christmas Trees end up in landfills. BUSTED: Christmas Tree recycling programs are available nationwide, and many are quite creative. A farm-grown Christmas tree is 100% biodegradable, so it can be used for all kinds of things in nature, from mulch to erosion control. Fake trees?….see Myth #4 above. People often lament the sight of Christmas trees at the curb after Christmas…but they don’t realize that many communities have curb-side pick up as part of their recycling program. They’re not “being thrown in the trash” or ending up in landfills. They’re waiting to be put into the recycling program. MYTH #10: Real Christmas Trees are a hassle and a mess. BUSTED: It’s all relative. The first thing to ask someone if they say “I don’t want a Real Tree because I might have to vacuum up needles” is this: Does that mean you don’t vacuum normally? I mean, vacuuming should be a regular household chore all year long. So what if the tree drops some needles – you’re going to vacuum anyway right?….RIGHT? Second, who says it has to be a hassle? (Hint: the fake tree people.) There are many places to buy a tree and all offer something a little different. If you want to spend a lot of time with family or friends getting your tree and have some entertainment, go to a Choose & Cut farm. If you want a huge variety of trees, both species and sizes, go to a specialty lot. If you want to support your community organizations in the process, buy one from a nonprofit selling them as a fundraiser. If you just want a tree quick and easy, then go to a lot designed for that. If you want to just point and click and have your tree delivered to your front door, then buy one online. Bottom line, don’t let someone tell you it’s a hassle, because you can decide how much time to spend getting a tree. Third, the hard goods used with a farm-grown tree have come a long way. There are many different styles and types of tree stands…pick one that’s easy for you, as long as it holds enough water. There are funnels, cleverly designed to blend into the tree, that make adding water easier. I have a round mat with a waterproof backing to put under my stand so any water drops don’t stain my floor …it cost me like four bucks or something. You may often hear it’s a hassle to water a farm-grown tree every day. Really? That takes, what…an extra 25 seconds per day? Sheesh, get real, no pun intended. I spend more time than that making my picks in the weekly office football pool. It’s all relative. The time invested in buying and maintaining a farm-grown Christmas tree is nothing compared to what you get out of it. A good feeling. Memories. A home that “smells” like Christmas. Knowledge that you made a good environmental choice. That’s not a hassle, that’s a blessing.
Christmas Trees; Real vs. Artificial
Below is a comparison to Real Christmas Trees vs Artificial Trees. Now what do you think! Info from National Christmas Tree Association.

Real Tree Artificial Tree
United States and Canada Ours are from the US 85% from China
Farming Planting takes place in Jan-May Estimated 40-45 million trees planted in 2008 in North America Estimated 446 million trees growing on farms in U.S. Tree Farms support complex eco-systems. Factory Raw Materials sent to factory & assembled into final product Product is shipped to U.S. then distributed to stores Number of factories unknown Factories only consume natural rescources
Plant Tissue 100% Biodegradable Plastics and Metals Non-Biodegradable
Yes NO
Yes No (Lead is used in the process of making PVC plastic)
Yes Trees absorb carbon dioxide When decomposing, carbon, nitrogen, and other elements are released into soil NO Plastic is a petroleum byproduct
No Scientists have measured cut Christmas trees for chemical residue and not found any significant amounts Many different bugs, fungi, and parasites can attack and kill trees, so farmers may use pesticides to keep consumers’ trees healthy and alive until harvest Herbicides are used to suppress, not kill off, weeks to prevent soil erosion If someone tells you “there are chemicals on cut Christmas Trees” they are wrong Yes PVC itself is a dangerous chemical Manufacture of PVC creates and disperses dioxins, the most toxic man-made chemical known Released into air or water, dioxins enter the food chain, where they accumulate in fatty tissues of animals and humans, a potential risk for causing cancer, damaging immune functions and impairing children’s development
Recycled Used trees can be recycled in a variety of ways Decomposing trees add nutrients back into the earth Landfill Fake trees can’t be recycled and end up in landfills All of the accumulated fake trees are a burden to the environment indefinitely
Yes New trees are planted every year No Petroleum, used to make plastic, is a non-renewable resource, as are metals
Yes Yes
Here are some of the varieties of trees we sell at our Christmas Tree Farm:
  • Fraser Fir
  • Canaan Fir
  • Native White Fir
  • Native Douglas Fir (If available)
  • Native Corkbark Fir (If available)
  • Native Pinon Pine (if available)
  • Douglas Fir
  • White Pine
  • Ponderosa Pine (by request only)
  • Trees from 3′ up to 16′ tall
  • Live Christmas Trees
  • Tree Stands
  • Tree Preservative
  • Disposal Bags
  • Wreaths (Decorated and Undecorated)
  • Garland
  • Bows