We used some Feather Reed Grasses to hide their sprinker tap, sump drain, etc from the street. In a year or two the grasses will really hide them most of the year.
A good mix of perennials. We used ground cover along the front and lower edges of the planters. We used medium to tall perennials to add texture in each berm. The Marcella’s picked out the plant types they liked by browsing in the nursery. I helped them lay the beds out, got their approval, and got to
The south bed was the smallest of the three. Still used lots of plants. Mr. Marcella is directing traffic from the shade of the garage.
They had a Pinon Pine that had died (not ours) and decided to have it replaced while we were there doing the front.
They had an existing bed that needed a few more plants. We added a butterfly bush in the back, and a few leftover day lillies in the front.
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