At Heidrich’s Colorado Tree Farm Nursery, we carry a wide range of trees, shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses. Below, you will find information on most of the varieties we sell. Some years not all varieties are available so please contact us for current availability. If there is a variety you are looking for and don’t see let us know, we will see if we can get it for you.
Deciduous Trees
Trees that lose their leaves in the fall. They include both shade trees and flowering ornamental trees. There are multiple pages to this gallery, Make sure you see them all!
Evergreen Trees
Trees that hold their needles/leaves all year long. Includes upright Juniper.
Ornamental Grass
Just what is says. A great plant to add interest and accents both during warm and cold months.
Deciduous Shrubs
Shrubs that will loose their leaves in the fall.
Evergreen Shrubs
Shrubs that hold their foliage year round.
Low growing perennials, vines, or shrubs spreading across the ground that either come back every year or stay green year round.